Monday, August 5, 2013

Large DIY Black & White Abstract Art

Knock-offs and variations of West Elm's abstract black and white art are popping up everywhere (like here, here, here, and here).  I'm not one to jump on every bandwagon that rolls by, but I couldn't pass this project up.  I knew it would be the perfect artwork for behind our sofa.

Instead of purchasing 30"x40" canvases (read: $$$), I decided to use some thin plywood.  I purchased a large piece and had it cut down to size in the store.  At home, I sanded the edges and attached some scrap wood so that I could later attach the frame.

I primed and painted the plywood.

Yes.  I used a wheelbarrow as my "easel".  

Then I attempted to get creative with my black paint.

I painted some pine lattice and then attached it to my scrap wood to frame out my work.

Seth used some picture wire and hung them above the sofa for me.

I love the bold statement that the new art pieces make.

After reading through the tutorial from Bliss at Home (which, sadly, I found weeks after making the art), I think I will just use a wooden frame and drop cloth from now on when I need a large canvas - how smart!  Guess that's why I'm still a baby DIYer/blogger.


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